Sunday, August 16, 2009

I was accosted by animals.

I'm back from vacation, and the shows were nice, and the golf was good (My score is up to 65 now!) but that wasn't the most exciting part.I didn't say fun, because this was more scary then fun.I went on one of those drive through animal safaris.Before that I went through looking at animals in cages.The goats had gotten out of there pen and were standing around a cage of small monkeys, which were feeding the goats carrots.It was funny because everyone there had been feeding the goats these food pellets, (Which my father had joked and said they might contain a mind altering substance to keep the Emus from killing us all) and now the monkeys were doing the same thing.The owners of the "zoo" as one might call it (It really wasn't a zoo because it wasn't zoo grade care, but sort of close) had managed to get their hands on the newest addition to the large feline genus:The Liger.It isn't like the one from Napoleon Dynamite, it was a 900 hundred pound tiger, essentially.They had two full sized ones and had bought a pair of babies, because Ligers are sterile.They had actually been playing God there, because before this post is finished, I'm going to mentioned two other hybridized animals that had to be of their own creation.

After the walk about, we went to the driving tour.We were waiting behind a van with an Emu sticking it's head inside.You have not experienced fear and evil until you have been staring one of those in the face.It's eyes naturally look angry, and it stares at you, waitng for one of those little food pellets, all the while you are shaking and thinking "It's going to bite, it's going to bite".And then you hand it a food pellet, it bites your fingers, and you drive on, only to be stalkied by the one you feed and five others waiting to get the food.And then there's the Camels.They stick thier head's in the car so far you have to lean back to avoid hitting it's head.They don't bite though.Or spit.I'm going to leave a part about one of the animals out because it was disgusting and creepy.The other two hybrids were Zebra-Donkeys and Buffalo-Yaks.Good day to you people!

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